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Gold Verified by Customer

Gold Verified by Customer Certificate

Place an order and review us at HEUREKA!

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Satisfied verified customers have given the store the prestigious Gold Verified by Customer Certificate. Only verified customers are able to give reviews about the store – thus you are assured of the veracity of these reviews. Reviews can be made by filling in the satisfaction questionnaire customers receive after purchase.

Ověřeno zákazníky is a service which goes beyond other price comparison sites, store catalogues and magazines on consumer goods. Its objective is to bring all these sources together at one site and advise users from the beginning of their purchase decision-making what to purchase and where to purchase it. The “Verified by Customers” Certificate provides a solution to the issue of where “a smart place to purchase the product” is. In order for to be able to recommend the best store, it has to consider a number of aspects beyond mere price. So as to eliminate fears over online purchasing and to prevent bad experiences, it needs to take account above all of the quality of a store’s services (clarity of the website, providing complete information on price, delivery dates, claims and returns procedure, etc.).